Club Soda + Lime

Day 27: It so easy, ‘til it’s not.

I spent some of my precious, quiet morning time writing part of an article about how the first 30 days of this process has been so easy.

And then spent the remainder of the day thinking about how it’s not.

Body + Mind


According to my count, which I only just started counting, I should be getting a visit from Aunt Flo here any day. Sorry, I’m not sorry about mentioning of my period. Without this marvel of a bodily function no one would be alive to even read it. Think about that one for hot minute.

I am guessing the ups and downs this month are no different than any other of the 240+ months, I was just paying attention this time. And it sure explains a lot.

Like this afternoon for instance. I didn’t want to go to yoga, which is really the first time all month I even questioned it. I just didn’t feel like it. But, I went because we are going to get slammed with some nasty weather this week and I knew on Tuesday I’d be pissed that I didn’t go on Sunday.

I went in early to lay on my mat in the 95 degree room and have a little warm, quiet time but also wanting to meditate on why I was not feeling very motivated. I ended up peacefully falling asleep until I jerked awake right before we started class. Had I been next to me I would have laughed out loud. It was pretty obnoxious.

Of course, I felt 100x better after class. After some hot soup, a long shower and taking the rest of it out on my keyboard, I’m sure I’ll sleep like a baby.

House + Home

All four of us feel asleep in our bed watching Kung Fu Panda 2 last night. At about 4 this morning, with a lanky arm draped across my chest and another little foot shoved in to my ribs, I decided to move in to Miles’ room for the remainder of the morning.

The morning started out like the last four Sundays; making breakfast (Eggs Benedict), prepping dinner (Slow Cooker Potato Soup) and cleaning up the kitchen and laundry room.

I then spent the better part of two hours rocking away in front of the wood burner in the shed with the dogs, watching Dale work (you can check out my personal IG for the full effect). I drank tea and pinned to my Dream Life board the whole time. It was magical.

Debt + Finances

I was totally one of those people rolling my eyes at Facebook Marketplace but a girl can change her mind right? I need to remind myself; don’t knock it til you try it. (I’m full of corny quotes today)

Sold today:

  • Family saying canvas | Collected: $20

  • Tree tubes | Collected: $40 (Perk of being down in the shed while pack-rat hubs was cleaning)

  • Duvet Cover | $36

Not bad for rocking away on my chair doing business.

Parenthood + Relationships

Everyone is showered and clean. I consider this a huge win. Now, if I can only get them to sleep in their own beds tonight. Normally this would be no question, but they found out already they have no school tomorrow. Ugh.

I ran in to another mom I hadn’t seen in a while and we were talking about the weather (of course) and I mentioned I didn’t know if I could survive another few days this week home with my kids. Luckily she said she felt the same way. Phew. That comment could be judged heavily.

But, I’m not really built to entertain anyone for extended periods of time, least of all a 6 and 9 year old, even though they’re mine. I already told them we are doing chores for four hours straight tomorrow. They were less than thrilled.

Fortunately for them I’m just blowing smoke up their asses.

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