Club Soda + Lime

Day 33: I Promised I’d Be Honest


Want to know what I did today? Nothing. And I don’t feel good about it.

When I was a kid, if you laid on the couch for more than a hot minute you were lazy. Every minute of the day you needed to be “doing” something productive. Taking a day to lay around and nurse a cold was not an option.

Fast forward to today where, after Miles’ basketball game and with a pounding sinus headache, I crawled in to my unmade bed. With kids with Dad or neighbors, I intended to take a quick nap and then be “productive.”

Instead, and here’s where the truth part comes in, I laid there all day. I watched too many episodes of Billions, only taking a break to eat left over pizza (over greens), a waffle cone of mint chocolate chip ice cream, five bags of (snack sized) goldfish and to let the dogs out of their kennels.

I was feeling sorry for myself because I feel like my social life is less than existent, I’m in between being bored and really busy and the weather sucks. Talk about popping the top for my very own pity party.

I am sure there’s some psychotherapy in all of this; rebelling by laying in bed therefore feeling terrible and eating all my feelings. And, clearly this isn’t the first time this has happened.

And if I were listening to someone else say this exact thing, I’d say, without a doubt, “Jeez. Don’t be so hard on yourself. Everyone deserves a day to just lay around.” And, I would totally mean it.

So, rather than doing what I always do; self-loathe, beat myself up and fail, I am going to stay the course. I am going to wake up tomorrow to a brand new day. I’m going to give myself a break like we all deserve every once in a while without feeling like we are the laziest people on earth

The moral of this story is we all have our days. Sometimes more than one in a row. The point is putting these things in perspective. All of the things I “should” have been doing will be there tomorrow, and the next day. No one got hurt, everyone’s alive, fed and sheltered.

“The sun’ll come out
So ya gotta hang on
‘Til tomorrow
Come what may.”

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