We agreed today that this vacation has seemed longer thanall the week-long ones we’ve taken in the past. Probably because we can remember all of it.
That’s funny, but real true.
We headed to a beach on a lake today only to make a quick reversal after it was packed with Dragon Boat racers. Yes, that’s a real thing. It was okay though, we had a lovely day at the pool.
While this vacation has been amazing on many levels, it has also proven to be my biggest non-drinking challenge yet. I have come up against some pretty deep-seeded emotional triggers that have forced me to take a good long look at my boundaries, or lack thereof.
I think it’s enough to say that so that I am reminded when I come back to read this and that I still stay respectful to the people love. Sorry to be cryptic.
We all have things that trigger emotions that seem insurmountable; I am no exception. And while I have dealt with these things many, many times before, and not very well, I think I have come to a point where I must set some boundaries around my values and the things I believe in.
I was meant to come up against those dragon boats today.
Time to slay.
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