Club Soda + Lime

Day 79 + 80: Draggin’ Ass.

I’ve sort of lost my mojo this week.

I can’t seem to find enough energy so that I don’t want to take a nap in the middle of the day or go to bed when it’s still light out.

I don’t have a dramatic explanation for this except that I am being forced to learn something new that does not cater to my strengths. It’s sort of cool because I am acquiring new skills, although I’m not sure when I’ll ever need them again.

I am pretty familiar with being physically tired, but being mentally drained is a whole ‘nother animal. I feel like I could sleep for days.

However, the very illuminating and enlightening thing about becoming aware of this is how much room I have created to even have the energy to tackle something like this in the first place. Sound sleep has become my new normal which for sure has been the secret to getting shit done I didn’t even know I had to do.

I think about all the time I always had that was wasted getting stuck in my own head about shit that didn’t need medication (remember that?). To be honest, I didn’t think I could do more than I was already doing.

Turns out, I can.

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