Club Soda + Lime

Day 83 + 84: Spring Break.

Ever hear that quote, “love knows no bounds”? Well, apparently, neither does head lice.

Yes, that is how we started our Spring Break today. I had all these plans to get a ton of work done today while also entertaining my kids. Lofty goal, I know…every school break starts this way in our house though.

Great expectations followed by humbling circumstances.

I thought we’d escape the lice outbreak. Why? Because I’m a brat and think I’m invincible. Turns out, I’m not.

Lice=1, Ripps=0.

However, according to, IT’S NOT MY FAULT. (Look it up…that’s their tagline. Sort of phenomenal marketing. I totally clicked.) Lice really don’t give a shit who you think you are.

It’s hair nor there to them. (<< I thought about that one for a while.)

It’s amazing what kind of time you find when forced to do something. I, of course, didn’t have time to go to yoga, go for a walk, meditate, make a salad for lunch or balance my checkbook, but somehow I found the time to treat my daughter’s hair (1.5 hours) and 18 loads of laundry (6+ hours and still counting).

Time is a fickle thing. I have written about this before and I probably could until end of time (I’m just full of them today). But it’s just something I have a hard time wrapping my head around. It is truly the one thing we can’t make more of yet we waste it like it’s renewable.

I may be the most guilty of this.

Think of these 90 days. I have never done, or rather not done, anything for three months without being forced to, naturally or otherwise.

I remember thinking in years past when I’d get to the end of February, “had I stayed with my resolution, I’d be ‘this far’ by now.” It’s so surreal to think I can actually say it. And feel pretty damn good about it.

I feel much less nervous today than I have the past few. I think this is just going to be a constant ebb and flow. And what I’ve learned is that it probably is for everyone, I was just never paying attention.

I find myself wishing not for something ‘better’ or to ‘be’ better, only that I have the strength, tenacity and courage to deal with whatever comes my way.

I’m feelin’ pretty confident about that these days.

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