
Shit. Is it just me?

I’m finding myself in these crazy rabbit holes on social media: celebrity break up progressions (I didn’t even know Scarlett Johansson and Ryan Reynolds were married before today), before and after pictures of someone I really don’t care about (Jonah Hill…I seriously clicked though like 35 pictures of him before I was like, what the fuck katy?) and 16 healthy soups you can make in 30 minutes or less  (I buy soup in a jug(s) from Costco).

And those are just the innocent ones.

Let’s not even touch our local school board/district posts (O. M. G., my kids’ peer parent FB groups or the IG accounts that make me feel the need to purge my entire house and buy magnetic eyelashes.)

Like I have nothing better to do…

I am in a state.

I feel like I touched on this a month or two ago, but holy fuck.  It’s somethin’. This isn’t going to be a long post because I just cannot right now:

  • I just turned 42 on Sunday; which in my head is halfway to my death.

  • I’m about 5 hours away from celebrating my golden anniversary…15 years on October 15th for those of you that need nothing more than every single thing spelled out these days…it’s ok…that’s me too.

  • I’m about 13 days away from having a complete panic attack because the weather is getting colder, days are getting shorter and even in a “normal” year, this next 6 months are the toughest mentally and spiritually for me.

  • My hair is too long (everywhere), I’m losing my tan and the laundry is beyond piling up.

So, let’s just all agree, we’re in a state. It’s okay that you’re doing whatever you’re doing to cope. If you need help, ask. If you’re doing ANYTHING that makes you feel good, keep doing it. If you’re just keeping your head above water, absolutely fine.

I admitted to my kids’ teacher(s) that we’re NOT doing the best we can and I’m okay with that right now because that’s what’s [sort of] working for us in the second week of October 2020. Guessing it will be different in the third week.

And…the sun will come out tomorrow.

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In a world that continually celebrates the achievements of women breaking through glass ceilings, climbing corporate ladders, and excelling in their chosen fields, it's easy to assume that these high-achieving women have it all together.  Read more.

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