
Katy Ripp | Coaching & Mentoring

For years I have kept myself busy being the player; farming flowers, parenting kids, taking care of animals, opening a wine bar, buying a coffeeshop, opening an ice cream and candy store, bossing around staff that have become family, volunteering in my hometown and generally just grinding away. I realize now these were all just stops on my never-ending yellow brick road.

In all that grind, and through some pretty intense self-care and discovery, I have found my true passion: coaching and mentoring the dreamers. It’s is where I get to take everything I’ve learned from #allthethings and help others live a life of their dreams.

I’m for the dreamers: for the ones that want to make a change. For the people just sick and tired of being sick and tired. For the ready, the determined, the fearful, the anxious, the non-believers. For the people that desperately want a life of freedom, contentment, and peace but just don’t know where to start, or what they want to do, or how they’ll get to wherever it is they are hoping to go. For the ones ready to sacrifice the things that are no longer serving them and finally invest in themselves.

If this is you, you’re for me. And now, I’m for you.

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starting on your own
hero's journey

mini-course enrollment

Learning how to develop your own hero's journey can be a profound experience for a high-achieving woman like yourself. It offers a unique opportunity to embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth tailored to your life's narrative. By delving into the hero's journey framework, you can uncover valuable insights about your own journey—recognizing the challenges you've faced, celebrating your triumphs, and pinpointing moments of transformation. This mini-course serves as a powerful tool for taking stock of your experiences, goals, and dreams, empowering you to navigate your path with clarity and purpose. Through introspection inspired by the hero's journey, you can tap into your strengths, confront obstacles head-on, and embark on a transformative quest toward greater fulfillment and success.

i write therefore i am.

Hi, I'm Katy.
Your lifestyle designer and business mentor.

Writing is my way of unwinding and letting my thoughts roam free. Every so often, in the midst of this creative chaos, something clicks, and I'm like, "Hmm, maybe someone else will dig this too." So, I toss it out into the world, hoping it lands with someone who gets it.
I hope that's you.

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In a world that continually celebrates the achievements of women breaking through glass ceilings, climbing corporate ladders, and excelling in their chosen fields, it's easy to assume that these high-achieving women have it all together.  Read more.

The Struggle of High-Achieving Women

balancing success and everything else