The First 30 Days

Day 1: Clean Slate

Happy New Year!

As I have said before, January 1st is one of my favorite days of the year and this year will not disappoint.

Today I spent it cleaning up my planner; filling in the important dates I have this month, this week and tomorrow, writing down my goals and then breaking them down in to bite-sized bits, writing out my monthly budget and playing in the freshly fallen snow with the dogs, cats and kiddos (< this is very unlike me).

Let’s not get crazy though, I also laid in my bed and watched two episodes of The Crown. It’s only 6:30p and I want to go to bed already, but I promised Maddie a game of Brain Quest.

So, all in all, a pretty boring Day 1, but also a successful one. We even went to our neighborhood bar for lunch and I had a club soda even though when my husband asked for it the bartender said, ‘like just club soda in a cup?’ I can’t imagine this will be the last time I get asked this.

I got a little irritated at the end of the day while I was doing dishes and trying to keep the puppies out of the dishwasher, but probably not totally out of the ordinary.

Happy New Year all! I hope the first day to your 2019 was a good one.

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