Days 31 to 60

Day 43: No more snow days.

We are on snow day #6 this year. It’s 7:54p and we’re all still alive but I’m not sure how much more I can take.

I have 13% of battery life left and I’m too lazy to go down and get the charger so this is gonna be quick.

Body + Soul


I sure wasn’t expecting that today, but I’ll take it.

That bff I was talking about the other day texted and said she was going to do the workout I did on Sunday (which I’m still sore from). She motivated me to get my ass up and do it too since I missed yoga today.

Yikes. That was harder than I remembered.

House + Home

I really didn’t do anything but work from my bed, play Sorry, Skipbo and make chocolate chip cookies….again. A dish or two got done and the driveway got plowed but other than that…nada.

Fortune + Abundance

The good thing about a snow day is that I can’t spend any money.

Well, I guess I could have gone online but to be honest I have been on my computer way too much for work lately and I just couldn’t get myself to recreate on it today.

I did however receive a package from shopping last week on a snow day today. New shoes for Florida. Win.

Nature + Nurture

Like I said, we’re all still alive, but man, this has been a serious challenge to entertain them all day again.

I’m pretty sure my son’s eyes are going to fall out from all the screen time he’s had and poor Maddie has taken a bath and a shower just to pass the time.

I can’t be the only one this is wearing on. Makes me real nervous for summer.

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