Club Soda + Lime

Day 48: Dirty Laundry.

My 6-year-old can belt this song my Carrie Underwood out like nobody’s biznass. It’s hilarious to hear her sing “that lipstick on your collar, well it ain’t my shade of pink…” Carrie would be proud.

This really has nothing to do with the rest of this post, but dirty laundry has many meanings.

Body + Soul


I didn’t want to go to yoga today. Which is pretty typical of me after my announcement yesterday. I did go and of course I felt better after, I just had one of those mornings.

It actually started last night when I went to sign up. It showed that there was a sub…I know, WTF? One little change in routine and I got all squirmy. It’s not that I didn’t like the sub; my feelings about that are here nor there. While it’s fine to have preferences about instructors, it’s certainly not a reason to stay in bed. I recognized it as a big fat excuse and got my ass out.

Especially since my husband, of all people, was like, “it’s not about the instructor right?”


House + Home

I had to have a little Coming to Jesus conversation with my kids today about picking their shit up.

I came down the stairs this morning to find my son’s shoes and a coat in the middle of the kitchen floor. Laying there like he just shed a skin. It’s actually been laying there since he got off the bus yesterday but it didn’t bug me until today.

So, of course, I lost my shit on them for a few minutes until they knew I was serious. Not proud of that. But we ended up having a somewhat civil conversation about chores and rewards. I basically took all the things I hate to do and put them on their list.

I’ll be making us a chore list. Wish me luck.

Fortune + Abundance

I saved myself some money today by avoiding Home Goods even though I was right next to it.

Nature + Nurture

All I can say here today is how very grateful I am for all of the support I have received.

I had the honor of having a three hour lunch with a friend. I feel as though I can call her that even though it’s been years since we have connected and I can guarantee we have never connected on this level. That’s what happens when you unpack 40 years worth of shit on to a deli table.

It can get a little lonely over here just talking to myself about my crazy. As a verbal processor, journaling doesn’t really cater to my extroverted personality but it’s definitely doing the job it was meant for.

Had I not aired some of my dirty laundry out here, I would have never had the chance to hear from some of you that had the courage to reach out.

This life is all about people.

And, you’re my people.

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I hope that's you.

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