Club Soda + Lime

Day 85: Blah.

It’s been one of those weeks…and it’s only Tuesday.

Nothing has happened…I’m just sort of blah. I feel puffy and lazy and unmotivated. But, alas, there is always a silver lining. Finally, I have learned…


You’d think after, give or take, 288 months I would get it. But, only after journaling for three months was I able to actually track my cycle. And this time I recognized it the first day, rather than after a week of feeling like a loser.

That’s just one of the epiphanies that has come out of this little sojourn. I’m sure I’ll be able to pin point many more as the days and weeks go on.

Another has been the before bedtime ritual I have created simply by writing this blog. I have come to look forward to the time I spend quietly typing while cozied up under my fuzzy blankets, drinking tea. Without even so much as a passive aggressive request of my family to leave me alone. No one bugs me; everyone, even the dogs, seem to respect my space and time. It’s freaky deaky. And although I have many reasons to keep writing, this will probably be the one to seal the deal.

Certainly at times it’s been a chore more than a hobby, but it’s been refreshing to have something to be accountable to, even if it is just to prove to myself I can do it.

I took the kids to Indian Lake today for a little hike. Not that I have never done that, but the times have been few and far between for sure. And it would have most certainly turned in to lunch and beers with a friend and her kids instead of the ice cream break and stroll by Black Earth Creek like it did. It was just the three of us and even with the grumbling and whining, it turned out to be just what we all needed.

A little sunshine, a little fresh air and a little blood pumpin’. Three ingredients to take any of us out of even the funkiest of funks.

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Writing is my way of unwinding and letting my thoughts roam free. Every so often, in the midst of this creative chaos, something clicks, and I'm like, "Hmm, maybe someone else will dig this too." So, I toss it out into the world, hoping it lands with someone who gets it.
I hope that's you.

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