Ever feel like your life is one big, epic story? Well, spoiler alert: it totally is!
In this episode, I’m diving into the concept of the hero’s journey, a storytelling framework by Joseph Campbell. But trust me, it’s not just for your favorite movies—it’s a powerful way to understand your own life transformations.
From the “call to adventure” to overcoming trials and challenges, the hero’s journey is a guide to embracing challenges and living authentically. I’m also sharing some deeply personal moments—like how my path to sobriety mirrored the hero’s journey cycle—and how you can use it to transform your life.
Here’s a sneak peek at what we’ll uncover in this episode:
- What is the hero’s journey, and what are some of the hero’s journey examples real life?
- The hero’s journey examples in movies – you’ll never watch Moana, Harry Potter, or Star Wars the same way again!
- How to overcome resistance to change using the hero’s journey cycle. Why is it so hard to take that leap? We’ll unpack the role of fear and doubt and how they play into embracing challenges.
- My path to sobriety through the lens of the hero’s journey. The messy middle, the trials, and the transformative rewards—it’s all here.
- embracing challenges as the catalyst for growth: learn how facing life’s curveballs head-on and understanding the hero’s journey cycle can lead to incredible transformation.
So, where are you in your the hero’s journey cycle right now? Are you stuck refusing the call, grappling with embracing challenges, or standing victorious on the other side? Wherever you are, I’m cheering you on.
Sign up for the Hero’s Journey Mini Course here!
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Katy Ripp 00:00:00 Hey there folks. Welcome back to #ActuallyICan. This is the podcast where we get real about life’s big moments the good, the bad, the ugly and what the fuck am I even doing? Today I want to talk about something that has completely changed the way I see my life. The hero’s journey. Now, before you start thinking I’m all about to go. All once upon a time on you. Stick with me here. The hero’s journey isn’t just for books and movies. It’s for you and me too. And anyone who’s ever felt stuck, overwhelmed, or like they are meant for something more but have no clue how to get there. I actually first discovered this framework thanks to the Mind Rebel Academy, which is where I got my coaching certification. And once I saw it, I could not unsee it. It’s everywhere. Every movie you love, every big transformation you’ve been through yourself or people around you. And of course, every awkward, messy what am I doing with my life phase? And trust me, I’ve had plenty of those.
Katy Ripp 00:00:57 Sometimes I’ve handled them with grace and sometimes it’s looked a lot more like me. Ugly crying in my car. But today we’re going to break down what the hero’s journey actually is, why it’s so relatable, and how you can use it to navigate those big and little moments in your own life. I’ll be sharing some of my personal stories, which you know I love to do, along with some practical steps you can take. And at the end, I’ll tell you how to dive deeper into the hero’s journey with my free mini course. So let’s get going. Hey there, fellow rebels! Welcome to #ActuallyICan, the podcast where we say a hearty hell yes to designing life on our own terms. I’m Katy Ripp, a lifestyle coach, business mentor, and serial entrepreneur here to guide you through the wild ride, defying what society expects of us and embracing our authenticity. On this show, we dive deep into taboo topics like death, money, spirituality, entrepreneurship, unapologetic self-care, and personal development, all while swearing and laughing along the way.
Katy Ripp 00:01:59 Expect down and dirty conversations, plenty of humor, and a whole lot of exploration, leaving you feeling empowered to be your truest self. Whether you’re craving a good laugh, seeking unconventional self-care tips, or simply looking for some camaraderie, you’ve come to the right place. We only get this one short life, so buckle up and let’s design yours on our own terms. Ready to dive in? Let’s go. What is the hero’s journey? Let’s start with the basics. The Hero’s Journey is this age old storytelling framework that was created by Joseph Campbell. So even if you don’t recognize his name, I promise you’ve seen this story a thousand times. Think Star Wars, Harry Potter, Moana, The Lion King. They all really follow this formula. So here’s the kicker. So does real life, and you will recognize it, I promise. So let me break this down for you. First, we’re in the ordinary world. Think about yourself. You’re just doing your thing. Living your life thinking, hey, things are fine.
Katy Ripp 00:02:58 Spoiler alert they’re not fine. So I’m going to use Moana as an example, most of us have seen the movie Moana. If you haven’t. It’s a great movie. It’s a great kids movie. But Disney loves the hero’s journey. So think of Moana. She’s on her island doing her chief and training duties, trying to be the perfect daughter. Everything looks fine on the surface, but inside, she’s dying to answer the call of the ocean. Remember when she sees that little thing in the beginning? So same with Harry Potter stuck in his cupboard. Or like Luke Skywalker whining about power converters. These are always the nagging feelings that something bigger is out there. So that’s the ordinary world. The call to adventure is where something actually shifts. You feel the nudge for more. Maybe it’s a gut feeling, an opportunity or life just shaking things up a little bit. So for Moana, it’s the failing crops and dying fish that scream, hey girl, something needs to change here. It has to be you.
Katy Ripp 00:03:53 The ocean literally hands her a glowing green heart like, hey, here’s your sign. But she’s not totally convinced yet. The refusal of the call. So that’s number three. The refusal of the call. This is where you freak out, you overthink, and you avoid it like the plague. Nope. Not me. No, thanks. I’m good. Mona’s like, I can’t leave. I have responsibilities, the people need me. Sound familiar? We all have our reasons why. Now’s not the time. Whether it’s fear or self-doubt or straight up denial, we resist change like it’s our full time job. Now, number four, we’re meeting the mentor. Someone or something gives you the push that you need. It could be a person, even a podcast, a random stranger in the grocery store, a real you on Instagram, giving you an unexpected nudge. Mona’s grandma, aka the best mentor ever, steps in with her wise words. Dances with manta rays and tells Mona you were born for this.
Katy Ripp 00:04:50 Whether it’s Dumbledore or Obi-Wan or your overly supportive best friend, mentors show up right when you need them. We’ve heard when the student is ready, the teacher appears. That’s what this stage is. Number five is crossing the threshold. This is the moment you finally say, okay, fine. Let’s try. Moana grabs that boat and heads out to sea. No more excuses. This is the point where you finally sign up for that course. You launch your business or you have that tough conversation. It’s scary. It’s messy, and there’s no turning back. Trials and challenges. Number six. Life throws all the things at you. The obstacles, the setback, the self-doubt, you name it. It’s coming in, Mona. She faces storms. Maui’s ego. Coconut pirates. Because why not? And a whole lot of moments where she questions if she made the right choice. It’s like when you start something new and suddenly your internet crashes, your car breaks down, and imposter syndrome moves in rent free.
Katy Ripp 00:05:48 Number seven is the ordeal or the death and rebirth. This is one massive, life changing moment that tests you for real. For Mona, it’s that crushing moment when Maui bails and she’s left alone, doubting everything. We all have those I can’t do this moments. Fuck it. I’m not doing this. Whether it’s a failed launch, a big rejection, or just feeling completely lost. But this is also where the magic happens. So this is the reward. Now we’re going into coming out of the death and rebirth. And now we’re getting into the growth phase confidence, wisdom, and maybe even a little swagger. You made it through and you’re stronger because of it. At this point, Moana realizes she is the hero, not the magical fishhook or even Maui her. This is when you finally see yourself differently and recognize your own strength. It’s not just about external winds, it’s about the internal transformation that matters most. And now we’ve crossed back over the threshold into the ordinary world again. But you’re returning different now.
Katy Ripp 00:06:52 You’re returning home, and you bring those lessons back with you. So Mona sails back to the island. She restores the heart and leads her people in a whole new way. It’s like when you return to your old life, but now you’re setting boundaries. Or you’re making bold moves, or you’re inspiring others with your growth. People may not fully get it, but you do. And that’s what matters. Okay, so let me get into a couple of real life calls to adventure and refusals of the call, because I have had plenty of these. One of my biggest calls to adventure moments happened when my father in law, al, died. It was totally unexpected, completely heartbreaking, and it made me and our family take a hard, long look at our lives. So up until that point, I had been doing what I thought I should be doing right? Checking all the boxes. I had a business, a couple businesses. At the time I was working for a family run company that I loved.
Katy Ripp 00:07:45 I was raising my little kiddos. I had a couple of animals. We had a house. We were like paying the mortgage. Everything was fine, but I was totally feeling disconnected inside, I was exhausted, I was hung over, I was overwhelmed, and I was running on total autopilot. And you’d think that would be enough to jump into change, right? But it wasn’t at the time I refused to call like a pro. I convinced myself I was fine, everything’s fine. I kept distracting myself with work to do lists and of course, those wine nights around kitchen islands. And that leads me to another huge threshold moment in my life. My decision to get sober. So for years, I told myself I don’t have a real problem. I mean, I was doing what everybody else was doing. We were having drinks to wind down. We were celebrating with toasts like nothing unusual. Except deep down, I knew I was using it as a way to avoid and a way to medicate. And what I was really feeling was fucking exhausted and disconnected and stuck in a cycle.
Katy Ripp 00:08:47 I did not want to be in anymore. And I had a thousand day ones, which were my calls to adventure over and over again. I wanted to quit drinking, but I just like, kept refusing the call. I resisted sobriety hard for decades. I told myself it wasn’t that bad, that I could cut back anytime I wanted. For instance, I didn’t drink throughout both my pregnancies, so I must not have a problem. But the truth was, I just really wasn’t ready to face me, myself, my internal demons. I was not really ready to face any of that without that crutch. I was really scared of actually what I’d find underneath. So eventually I just hit a breaking point. The moment where I realized staying the same was way scarier than changing. I knew it was just never going to get any better. It was a very anti-climactic night in August in 2021. After decades of avoiding it. I just decided I had had my last spotted cow. So I crossed the threshold.
Katy Ripp 00:09:52 I chose sobriety. And let me tell you, it was messy. It was hard and I questioned it every step of the way. But here’s what happened. Sobriety became the catalyst for a whole new level of strength and clarity and self-compassion. I really never, ever thought was possible. That’s just my story. And I actually have many hero’s journeys, and we all have many hero’s journeys at one time or another. It’s almost like you finish a hero’s journey and then the universe is like, oh, here’s another one. And maybe they’re small and some of them last a lifetime, and some of them only last a day. You can see the difference. So remember the call to adventure. Every great journey starts with a call. It’s that nagging feeling that you’re meant for something more. The refusal of the call. This one hits home. The resistance is real. How many times have we told ourselves now’s not the right time? I don’t have what it takes. Resistance is fueled by fear. Fear of failure.
Katy Ripp 00:10:48 Fear of success. Fear of the unknown. But growth does not happen in our comfort zone. Then we’re at meeting the mentors. So no hero goes it alone. Enter the mentor. In stories, it’s often the wise old sage. But in real life, it could be a lot of things a book, a coach. Hey. That’s me. A podcast, or even a friend who nudges you in the right direction. Crossing the threshold means stepping into the unknown. There’s no turning back. It’s both exciting and super fucking scary. You’ve got the messy middle. This is where you start facing challenges, doubts and setbacks. It’s where you might encounter naysayers, imposter syndrome, or unexpected obstacles. The reward is the victory. It may be it’s small, like hitting a savings goal or massive like launching a dream business, whatever it looks like. Absolutely. Soak this part in and then the real transformation happens. When you’ve returned to home, you’ve come back, you’ve crossed the threshold again, and now you’re back into the inspiring part where you get to lead by example and your journey has a ripple effect for everyone else.
Katy Ripp 00:11:51 So my challenge for you right now is where are you in your hero’s journey right now? Are you still refusing the call? Are you facing the tests? Are you standing on the other side, victorious? Wherever you are. Just know I see you. I totally believe that you are wherever you are on your journey. I am here cheering you on. So if this resonated with you at all, hit me up on Instagram Katy Ripp and share where you’re at in your journey. I would love to know about this and if you need a mentor, you know where to find me. Katy Ripp. Com. Also, I have a Hero’s Journey mini course where this actually walks you through in a video and shows you each graphic and where you might be landing on your graphic. You can head over to Katy Ripp. Com. Sign up for my newsletter. It’s called the Love Monday newsletter. You can go right up in the right hand corner. Love Monday. Sign up for the newsletter and I’ll send you the Hero’s journey.
Katy Ripp 00:12:45 So I am so excited! If you are excited about this. I love the Hero’s journey so much. So if you are loving this like I do, please shoot me some kind of comment or DM or email or call me on the phone. I would love to hear it. And that’s a wrap on today’s episode. I hope you enjoyed diving deep into the world of living authentically with me. Before you go. Don’t forget to connect with me on Instagram. Shoot me a message at Katy Ripp. I’d love to hear your thoughts on today’s episode and connect with you further. And remember, if you want more details on today’s episode or just want to explore more about designing your life unapologetically, head on over to my website at katyripp.com. There you’ll find all the juicy details and resources you need to keep the inspiration flowing. Lastly, if you’d like to join me on the show, whether it’s to tell about your experience of designing your own life, to share your expertise, or if you’d like to participate in lifestyle coaching live on air.
Katy Ripp 00:13:45 Don’t hesitate to reach out. Your story could inspire countless others on their own path to living authentically. Thanks for tuning in. Until next time, keep living boldly designing your life and remember #ActuallyICan.
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