
This podcast is your guide to challenging expectations and embracing authenticity. Through candid conversations, humor, and deep exploration, you’ll leave each episode feeling empowered to prioritize your wellbeing and design your life creatively.





the latest:

Invite more ease and flow into your life while still pursuing your dreams with passion and dedication


Self-Care + Wellbeing

Get Your S.H.I.T. Together

How many times have you said this to yourself? Well, you’re in good company. I am in my mid-forties and there are days where I just cannot seem to adult. Where I feel like EVERYONE else has their shit together.


Self-Care + Wellbeing

Is It a Crisis or Just Midlife?

As we navigate through the various stages of life, we often encounter moments of introspection and self-reflection. One common phenomenon that we experience is often referred to as a “midlife crisis.” This is not uncommon after the death of someone as close as a parent but there are many other situations that have us questioning our purpose here; empty nests, career and work changes, relationship shifts, infidelity, traumatic accidents or revelations, etc. But it also doesn’t have to be anything dramatic. Age can simply be the reason we start questioning our existence. It’s essential to delve deeper into this concept to understand whether it’s genuinely a crisis or simply a natural part of the human journey.


Self-Care + Wellbeing

My Top 10 Self-Development Books

My Top 10 Self-Development book list that created the life I live today. I took something profound from each one of these books reading them over and over again.


Manifesting + High Vibe

The Power of 8

I have loved the number 8 for most of my adult life, but more recently it’s shown me signs of prosperity, trust and wisdom I cannot ignore.

I could go on and on about the freaky times 8 has popped up in my life, but I’ll spare you the very long list but two variations rock me to my core:

108 and 808.


Manifesting + High Vibe

The Journal Entry That Bought Nineteen09

I’ve never really written this story down, told it many times but never in quite the detail I’m about to. Having sold real estate for a time in my twenties, browsing real estate has always been a passion of mine and when this property hit the MLS, I was, shall we say, intrigued.


Manifesting + High Vibe

My Yoga Journey

In my early twenties, I ‘tried’ a yoga class. Mainly because I wanted that lean yoga bod. I wasn’t yet ailing from achy bones and joints and a hangover was pretty much non-existent so an early Saturday morning class was no biggie.

But, I didn’t like it. I always left there feeling quesy and with a dull headache (it couldn’t possibly have been from the 8 beers I had 7 hours before). So I ditched it.


Manifesting + High Vibe

Build your own yoga sanctuary.

A few years ago, my very talented husband finally gave in to my whining and built out our attic into a seed starting space. I start around 10K seeds every year for our cut flower farm and since I’m too lazy to trudge down to the shed, the space off of our master bathroom above our garage became my little seed sanctuary.



Yoga Overwhelm

My experience with a yoga class starts days before I even go. I start thinking about a Monday morning class on Saturday. I find reasons not to go; I’m too fat, too out of shape, too tired, too busy, too whatever.


Club Soda + Lime

Day 46: Judge much?

As I make an attempt to write everyday, some things just come up without a whole lot of effort, while other days I feel like I have to find a way to make doing laundry sound interesting. Today was one of those days that I have the subject, it just makes me a little more […]


Hosted by lifestyle coach, business mentor, and serial entrepreneur Katy Ripp, this podcast is your guide to challenging expectations and embracing authenticity. Through candid conversations, humor, and deep exploration, Katy empowers listeners to prioritize their wellbeing and design their lives creatively. 

She's not scared of asking tough questions, getting to the bottom of issues and loves to tell it like it is.  

Learn more


Anxiety. Burnout. Unproductivity. Sleeplessness. Overwhelm.  I'm certain that every entrepreneur and business owner has undoubtedly encountered these emotions while managing their business ventures. I can definitely admit I did. Consequently, as a seasoned entrepreneur, one of the most valuable lessons I've learned is the significance of establishing boundaries to shield myself from these emotions and to savor both my personal and professional life.


How many times have you said this to yourself? Well, you’re in good company. I am in my mid-forties and there are days where I just cannot seem to adult. Where I feel like EVERYONE else has their shit together.

This happens less now that I’m not hungover everyday, but they still rear their ugly heads now and then. When it happens I try to think of this acronym. It helps…sometimes. Sometimes I just go back to bed.

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