Days 31 to 60

Day 49: Life’s a beach.

I'm Katy

Here I spill the tea on balancing hustle and heart with tips and tricks for thriving in business while taking care of yourself, because success is best served with a side of serenity!

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I laughed harder at card club last night than I ever remember doing at all the ones before. My cheeks hurt this morning.

I was up until midnight, way past my bedtime, but woke up this morning with no hangover and a ton of energy. I recall saying to Dale before we crawled in to bed how excited I was to know I wasn’t going to feel like shit.

So, still fun and no shame. I’ll take it.

Body + Soul


It’s always hard to see that number go up, however, I am learning to have faith.

I have proof of the last 6 weeks that I always go up before I come down. But, I’ll be honest here, I over-indulged in some Valentine’s Sweet Tart Hearts and Starbuck’s lattes last week. Oops.

Luckily we are heading to the land of fresh fruit, seafood and sunshine on Tuesday. It might be the only time in history that I will come back from vacation lighter than when I left.

House + Home

The kids did their chores today while I was at work. Pretty impressive. I, of course, worked on designing a pretty checklist today because it will DEFINITELY work with a pretty checklist. (Does anyone else feel this way?)

The cleaning ladies come tomorrow (yay!) so I am finishing up all the crap I haven’t done for the last two weeks. It’s getting better since I have been unloading clutter like crazy.

Fortune + Abundance

I have been working on manifesting as much money as I can.

I don’t have a great relationship with it so like anything else, I need to pay more attention to and nurture it. I can’t expect anything to be different if I don’t change the way I look at it.

This is not that easy. I have some old, pent up crap that I need to unpack around money. And while there are some people, ahem many men I know and love, that cannot understand why there must be “feelings” around simple arithmetic. Like it or not, everything in my life has some sort of energetic charge around it.

However, the more I work on it (read, meditate, write, forgive) the more moola that just happens to show up in the weirdest places. It’s pretty unbelievable but also awesome.

Similar to other goals I am working on, I am learning that small little changes add up to big wins. I have always wanted things immediately and when shit got hard I just gave up.

The time passed anyway and here I am. I’m grateful it didn’t take my entire life to learn this.

Nature + Nurture

We’re heading south to the land of sand and sunshine. After the past few months of Wisconsin weather, we are ready.

Interestingly enough, I have no anxiety about not drinking on vacation. When fretting over this decision a few months ago, this was one of my biggest hang ups. We have made a habit of cocktailing for seven days straight when we go; laying by the pool, laying on the lanai, partaking in the very early happy hours and all around being lazy.

It’s always been a reward for a previous year of hard work and well-deserved. It is vacation after all. But looking back with a clear head, I always came back from that vacation needing a vacation feeling tired, heavier and dehydrated.

This year will be different in many ways. I want to take the kids to the beach, walk my ass off, try a new yoga studio, pamper myself at the spa and eat really good, fresh food. And while I’ve wanted those things before, I have no doubt I can make them happen this year.

Or, I’ll just lay by the pool.

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on to forever


We’re Katy and Dale, or Dale and Katy depending on who you ask.  We are a married team that combines creativity, craftsmanship, and a shared passion for making dreams a reality. We’re currently embarking on an exciting journey to build our forever home on 8 beautiful acres just outside Madison, Wisconsin.

I’m Katy—a life coach and podcaster with a love for designing spaces that are warm, authentic, and filled with purpose. I’m all about turning ideas into reality, and this home project is the ultimate way for us to create something that truly reflects who we are, together.

Dale is an incredibly talented woodworker and a specialist in countertops and flooring, but honestly, there’s nothing he can’t do.  His eye for detail and “can-do-anything” attitude have been crucial as we dive into the many DIY projects that come with building a home from the ground up. He’s the hands-on expert, and together, we make a great team.

For us, this journey is more than just building a house—it’s about creating a space that’s true to our values and reflects how important our surroundings are to us. It’s about designing a home that embodies our love for family and nurtures our deep connection to the world around us. Whether we’re working with local artisans, sourcing sustainable materials, or getting our hands dirty with the next big project, we’re committed to making our dream home truly extraordinary.

We’re excited to share this multi-year adventure with you, and we hope our experiences, insights, and inspiration resonate with anyone who’s ever dreamed of building something special.

In a world that continually celebrates the achievements of women breaking through glass ceilings, climbing corporate ladders, and excelling in their chosen fields, it's easy to assume that these high-achieving women have it all together.  Read more.

The Struggle of High-Achieving Women

balancing success and everything else

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katy & Dale