The First 30 Days

Day 6: Sunday Funday 2.0

Honestly, I woke up at 5:45 this morning, had enough energy to get a ton of shit done and am still awake at 8:20 pm, even with a puking, feverish kiddo.

This is a miracle in and of itself.

Health + Wellness

208.3 Again. Not going up. Still a win. I refuse to freak out about this number right now. I can imagine my body is going through a little WTF right now, so I’m gonna give her a break.

I wish I would have gotten out for a walk or made it to yoga today, but it just wasn’t in the cards. I did, however, eat all three meals at home, made dinner from scratch and prepared healthy lunches for the entire week.

Not like me to do on a Sunday.

I’ve always wanted to, just never have. I will also mention that I am hardly hungry. I’ll spare you the rundown of my food intake today, but I can tell you that last Sunday I probably ate triple what I did today. I’m not even really trying, on purpose.

Remember, I’m doing things I’ve never done before so I’m concentrating on one thing at a time. In a few weeks, if I’m ready, I’ll start looking in to my diet and some strength training, but for now, I’m just aiming for Day 7.

House + Home

Holy shit did I unfuck this house today. (By the way, I have used this method for a couple years now. Totally works for someone like me.) Ok, well WE did. I approached my husband this morning with a little hesitation about employing his cleaning services for just two hours, but to my surprise, he enthusiastically agreed. I guess all I had to do was ask nicely…who knew?

In any case, he cleaned the disgusting office while I organized the desk and all the mail and a few junk cabinets. [Side note: the other day I was sitting in my kitchen with my bff and we got talking about junk drawers. I have no less than 16 junk cabinet/drawers in my kitchen.]

I did all the dishes, all the laundry, with the exception of the customary last load in the dryer that will never actually make it upstairs, cleaned out bathroom cabinets and drawers tossing about 2/3 of my make up, lotions and toothpastes. While I was bringing garbage bags downstairs I spotted Dale bringing in our mega garbage can; rolling it right in front of the toy closet.

Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

It was like angels sang from the heavens. He filled that sucker to the brim and poured it in to the dumpster. He was my hero today. I’ve been ignoring that mess for months.

This afternoon brought me a sick kiddo but while she slumbered away, I made Chicken Tortilla soup for dinner, Chicken Salad for lunches this week and Puppy Chow for the kids (and me). I don’t remember the last time I had enough energy to get all of this done without a nap stuck in there somewhere.

I probably can’t remember because it’s never happened.

Debt + Finances

The only thing I really did in this department today was to put all of my investments (that were shoved in to one of the said junk drawers) in to a folder, went through old remotely deposited checks where I found $100 that was never deposited (yay me), and organized all of my cash envelopes so I am ready to budget tomorrow.

Parenthood + Relationships

One thing I have noticed this week is that I am not yelling at my kids near as much. I came from a yelling family so it’s not really a surprise that I do it, but I don’t love that about myself. I remember how scared and anxious I used to get as a child and here I am following in those footsteps.

Now, let’s not get crazy. There’s no doubt that I will yell again, but for today I’m proud I’ve reduced it to a dull roar.

Travel + Staycations

The staycation came in the form of purging a bunch of shit we no longer wanted and definitely didn’t need. It’s amazing how much space it opens up; both in my home and my mind.

Epiphany: a visceral understanding of something you already know.
— Jen Sincero

The epiphany today was that I made it through the weekend relatively unscathed. Some of you may be thinking, “wow, she thinks six days is a long time to go without alcohol, coffee or soda?”

You’re right. I do.

It isn’t that long in the big scheme of things, but in my case, it’s just the lifestyle I got accustomed to. Made a habit out of.

I’m proud of myself. I don’t say that to ask you to be proud of me too. I say it because I mean it. If my best friend were doing this I would tell her I was proud of her so why on earth is it so hard to say to myself? Logically, it makes no sense.

It’s about time we talk to ourselves a little nicer, with a little more compassion, a little more forgiveness and a lot less judgement. Is this not what we teach our children to do on the playground and in the lunchroom? I’m not sure I would have felt the same way a week ago.

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