
This podcast is your guide to challenging expectations and embracing authenticity. Through candid conversations, humor, and deep exploration, you’ll leave each episode feeling empowered to prioritize your wellbeing and design your life creatively.





the latest:

I lost my shit today. And by losing my shit, I mean I sobbed like a baby, not screamed at my kids like I usually elude to. Sometimes I just gotta do that (both) and I haven’t done that (the former) in a while. Unknowingly it started yesterday with just a song. Dale and I […]


Club Soda + Lime

Day 63: What then?

I had one of those mornings where I wish I could just bottle it up and open it whenever I need a pick me up. I am blessed to have good friends. I have pockets of friends from different walks of life; forever friends, friends I ask for advice, friends that ask for my advice, […]


Club Soda + Lime

Day 64: You do you.

I just had to have the “you do you” conversation with my 9-year-old. I’ll spare you the long story, but turns out he’s being teased about something that he has little to no control over at this point in time. It concerns a certain skill set on a certain electronic box that a certain mom […]


Club Soda + Lime

Day 65: The Exhausted Parent

That was the flavor of ice cream I had tonight. I thought it was a fitting title. I’m not really exhausted by my kids, just exhausted. I got up at 4:15 yesterday morning to work and then finally fell asleep this morning after 12:45 am. It’s a blessing having a mind filled with ideas and […]


Club Soda + Lime

Day 67: What day is it?

This week has sort of been a blur. I don’t know if it’s coming off vacation or the weather or what. But, my whole family is tired. And I am starting to have to calculate what day I am on. Never thought I’d say that. It’s true we have a lot of irons in the […]


Club Soda + Lime

Day 68: Nope. Nope. Nope.

I better not be getting sick. I went to yoga this morning and could hardly stand to be in child’s pose my body hurt so bad. I just couldn’t explain it, I didn’t overdo it physically this week, ate pretty good and I was most certainly not hungover. I felt fine otherwise, except that I […]


Club Soda + Lime

Day 71: I cry.

I cry a lot. Not necessarily because I am sad, mostly just emotional. It can be out of frustration, fear, joy, sadness, gratefulness; whatever the occasion calls for. If you need a crier, I’m your gal. I have definitely been accused of being “too sensitive or emotional” or taking things “too personally”. I used to […]


Club Soda + Lime

Day 73: Say What?

“I don’t understand you. And why aren’t you understanding me?” This was the gist of the conversation that started out my morning. My husband and I have been working very hard on our communication skills but we had a momentary lapse of concentration today. It went a little something like this…you tell me if it […]


Club Soda + Lime

Day 74: Trying something new.

I like learning new things. Not in the way that you planners might like it. More like, “Squirrel?” or “that’s shiny…what is it?” I tend to fall in to a rabbit hole of information that just keeps going and going and going. One article leads to another and another and pretty soon I am three […]


Club Soda + Lime

Day 75 & 76: Two weeks left.

I’ve got two weeks to go on this thing. It’s hard to believe actually. Even harder to believe that the past few days have been the hardest. I am finding myself thinking about sipping wine on a patio or having a cold beer after a day in my gardens. It’s sort of annoying actually. I […]


Hosted by lifestyle coach, business mentor, and serial entrepreneur Katy Ripp, this podcast is your guide to challenging expectations and embracing authenticity. Through candid conversations, humor, and deep exploration, Katy empowers listeners to prioritize their wellbeing and design their lives creatively. 

She's not scared of asking tough questions, getting to the bottom of issues and loves to tell it like it is.  

Learn more


Anxiety. Burnout. Unproductivity. Sleeplessness. Overwhelm.  I'm certain that every entrepreneur and business owner has undoubtedly encountered these emotions while managing their business ventures. I can definitely admit I did. Consequently, as a seasoned entrepreneur, one of the most valuable lessons I've learned is the significance of establishing boundaries to shield myself from these emotions and to savor both my personal and professional life.


How many times have you said this to yourself? Well, you’re in good company. I am in my mid-forties and there are days where I just cannot seem to adult. Where I feel like EVERYONE else has their shit together.

This happens less now that I’m not hungover everyday, but they still rear their ugly heads now and then. When it happens I try to think of this acronym. It helps…sometimes. Sometimes I just go back to bed.

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