Club Soda + Lime

Day 42: I reserve the right to change my mind.

Body + Soul


I’m not gonna lie…I’m pretty proud of that number.

I’m sore as shit and I can hardly lower myself on to the toilet seat, (my workout friends and I call this “towel barring it”…ya know when you’re quads and hamstrings are so sore you have to hold on to the towel bar so you don’t break the toilet by slamming down on it because you can’t control your lower body muscles?) but damn it I feel good today.

I was getting a little discouraged. You’d think after 42 days of this I’d be able to look back at the patterns and know that a loss is coming, but I’m not quite to that “faith” thing in this yet. It’s getting better, but a work in progress for sure.

And every time I get a little win I am reminded I just need to believe that all the things I am doing WILL pay off.

Remind me of that when I am whining in a few days.

House + Home

I have gotten in to an ugly habit of working from home in my bedroom. And by my bedroom I mean on my bed, maybe or maybe not under my covers with all four dogs on the bed. Whoops.

But in my defense, it keeps the rest of my house clean, I am no where near the refrigerator or pantry and because I’m so comfortable I just keep working because I don’t want to get out of my warm bed.

It’s kind of a win-win-win. Especially for the dogs.

Fortune + Abundance

We have another friggin’ snow storm looming so I had to get to the grocery store today…again.

I saved $22.19 because I made a list, stuck to it and about 60% of what I needed was on sale today. And, since I promised myself I would only use cash and I only had a limited amount, I didn’t buy any frivolous shit. Not even Valentine’s Sweet Tart hearts, which are my favorite.

Or wine. Which is/was also my favorite.

Nature + Nurture

I am currently sitting at the library typing this. For those of you that know me well, this probably surprises you.

I brought the kiddos to Lego Club tonight. As much as I hate getting emails and often just delete ones that have pertinent information in them, I was thankful for the one reminding me of Lego Club. It’s been hard trying to find enough for my kiddos to do in this weather. It’s cold, icy and all around shitty outside. Not much for them to do and I’m getting sick of hearing that kid playing Minecraft on TV.

Now, had I actually looked at this particular email a few months ago and decided that I was going to take them, I most certainly would have called one of my wine buddies to meet me at the coffee shop or the bar down the street for an hour, probably downed some beer and cheese curds then went home to feed my kids quesadillas and do nothing productive for the remainder of the evening.

But, alas, I am not doing that. I brought tea with me, finished another (at least) hour’s worth of work, surfed around on Pinterest for a while and watched my kids sit in between the stacks of books reading quietly and drinking hot chocolate.

“Before” I would have rolled my eyes at exactly this, thought this is for losers and wouldn’t have thought twice about missing out on anything.

I’ve changed my mind. (Although cheese curds do sound good.)

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