
What Do You Really Want? How to Find Your Life Purpose: Michelle Theriault Part 2

what do you really want, what do you really want in life, life purpose, how to find your life purpose

Have you ever stopped to ask yourself, what do you really want in life? 

Not what your family expects, not what society tells you, but what truly lights you up and fulfills your life purpose? If that question makes you pause—or sends you spiraling into overthinking—this episode is for you.

This is part 2 of my conversation with Michelle Theriault from the Mind Rebel Academy, where we dive deeper into how to find your life purpose and fully own your desires. 

We’re exploring what happens after you decide to trust yourself. How do you start living in alignment? How do you stop holding yourself back and get clear on your life purpose? If you’ve been craving change but aren’t sure where to start, this episode will help you answer the question “what do you really want?” and begin designing a life that feels fully aligned with your life purpose and who you are now—not who you used to be.

In this episode, we cover:

  • The fear of wanting more—why asking “what do you really want?” can feel terrifying (and how to push through it)
  • The sneaky ways we hold ourselves back—and how to challenge limiting beliefs keeping you from asking the question “what do you really want in life?”
  • Why letting go of misaligned work, relationships, or habits can open the door to your life purpose.
  • How to balance financial stability with personal alignment—and stop doing things just because they “make money”
  • The exact process Michelle used to get clear on how to find your life purpose—and how you can do the same

If you’re ready to stop playing by everyone else’s rules and start asking yourself “what do you really want in life?”, this episode is your permission slip.

If you missed part 1 of my conversation with Michelle, be sure to check it out: How to Trust Yourself & Make a Midlife Career Change. In that episode, Michelle and I talked about learning to trust yourself—especially when making big life and career changes.


Female Founders Collective

Midlife on Purpose: Workbook

The Let Them Theory by Mel Robbins


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Bold Dreams Held Loosely Podcast


Michelle Theriault 00:00:00  It was really scary to let myself want to let myself desire.

Katy Ripp 00:00:06  Just voicing it. If you could just tell somebody that you really want this without the how, it’s the what. Like what do you want?

Michelle Theriault 00:00:15  It’s the answer to, you know, the Mary Oliver quote. Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? This is the stuff. This is the stuff you need to hold space for and uncover and feel and see.

Katy Ripp 00:00:31  Hey there fellow rebels, welcome to #ActuallyICan, the podcast where we say a hearty hell yes to designing life on our own terms. I’m Katy Ripp, a lifestyle coach, business mentor, and serial entrepreneur here to guide you through the wild ride, defying what society expects of us and embracing our authenticity. On this show, we dive deep into taboo topics like death, money, spirituality, entrepreneurship, unapologetic self-care, and personal development, all while swearing and laughing along the way. Expect down and dirty conversations, plenty of humor and a whole lot of exploration, leaving you feeling empowered to be your truest self.

Katy Ripp 00:01:10  Whether you’re craving a good laugh, seeking unconventional self-care tips, or simply looking for some camaraderie. You’ve come to the right place. We only get this one short life, so buckle up and let’s design yours on our own terms. Ready to dive in? Let’s go. I still keep, like.

Katy Ripp 00:01:31  Moving off of this. Where are you right now? Because things have evolved over the last. Like recently, right? Like you can see the shift. You can feel the shift. What does the future of MRA look like? Where are you at right now? I want you to be able to, like, get into it.

Michelle Theriault 00:01:47  Okay.

Michelle Theriault 00:01:48  So a core belief of ours that’s always been there in one form or another, is that your own alignment is the key to your success, your happiness, your you name it. It’s your own alignment that brings everything you might want. And so that’s something that I believe Terran believes. We believe in so many ways. Every day we are attempting to walk that walk in our lives.

Michelle Theriault 00:02:24  And it’s so funny. In this realm of vocation and business, there’s a few little holdouts that feel like, yes, alignment is the key to my success, except I got to do these things this way, right? Because they feel so high stakes and like, especially like Taryn for so many, like so many times, has said something along the lines of like, it’s not just me making sure I pay my bills. She’s holding this entity for her own bills, and then she pays me. She pays, you know, however many other people, and she’s holding all of our livelihoods in her hands. And so sometimes there’s fear that comes with that responsibility. And it’s like, can I really challenge this paradigm over here? It’s working. I kind of hate it, but it’s working. That’s really risky to play with. And so there’s this last little layer of, you know, in the realm of business and vocation that over the past year we have just been leaning into and really leaning into, okay, if we really believe our alignment is the portal to our success, then are we willing to lean into all of these dark little scary corners? Like, are we in a role? Not like, are we all in with everything we’re saying? Does this really apply everywhere to us or does it not?

Katy Ripp 00:03:49  Yeah, I love that that you said that there’s like those last little holdouts of like the dark, scary corners that like, oh, it’s totally worked when I’m looking for a parking spot and it’s totally worked when I’m like, oh, like hanging in the alpacas.

Katy Ripp 00:04:05  And they’re like, oh, this obviously aligns and it’s total joy. But when you start making decisions, especially financially, right, like financially, we’ve got so many money stories and so much like limiting beliefs around that, that like, oh yeah, it’ll work everywhere else, but not here. Like that’s scary.

Michelle Theriault 00:04:24  Yeah. And so this has been a season of us getting really honest about. Oh well, I’ve been kind of doing these things over here that I don’t love, or this little piece of the business feels icky or this little piece. And we’ve been slowly admitting them to ourselves and each other, like, oh, and when we’re brave enough to keep the spotlight on them and look at them, and when we, you know, when you touch something 15 times and every time you get the same answer and you finally have to admit, this part really doesn’t feel good. It doesn’t feel an alignment. It’s time to let it go.

Katy Ripp 00:05:02  Yeah. And what sometimes a caveat is. But it makes money 100%.

Michelle Theriault 00:05:07  It makes money. And so it’s like money.

Katy Ripp 00:05:09  So, like, how could we let it go even though it doesn’t feel right and it’s taking up room and we know all of these things. I literally I’m in this like I’m in this lovely place where I’m looking in corners right now. Yeah.

Michelle Theriault 00:05:24  So that’s exactly what we’ve been doing for the last year. And we’re still really, honestly knee deep in it. We’re still knee deep in it. And there’s things that like for me personally, some of the little corners I had to look at that were really scary to say out loud, to tear in at first and scary to even say to myself, because, you know, I told you how every step along the journey was just pulling me forward in alignment. And I was so grateful to finally think and feel, oh, this is this is what I do, is what I’m good at. This is what I love. But I had these moments where all of a sudden I didn’t realize it at first, because everything I’m doing is so good and so aligned and I’m so proud.

Michelle Theriault 00:06:09  And so it took me a long time to actually catch that. I was starting to feel, not so excited about certain things because my mind didn’t catch it. My mind was like, this is great. I’m behind everything I’m doing. But I started feeling I can only have so much human interaction, even the very best kinds. My human interaction. Battery is low and it was really hard to catch because for some people it might be that, oh, I need better quality interaction.

Katy Ripp 00:06:40  No, no, I actually just need less.

Michelle Theriault 00:06:43  I just need less. I had the best I mean, Katy, you know what it’s like to connect inside a pod or a lab or a one on 112 out of ten best human interaction you could ever have, and I have such an abundance of it. But what was happening is, as we were imagining growing, and I thought I would have more and more, there’s like this little part of my stomach that was like.

Michelle Theriault 00:07:11  No, no, you can’t do it.

Michelle Theriault 00:07:14  And so I, you know, I had to say to Taryn, like, I don’t actually know if I can keep doing more of that, you know? So I had my whole list of personal things for me about my role that gave little hints to the bigger picture. Taryn has her own list of personal things of, you know, one of the things for her is the way that we’ve always launched programs was very energy intensive for her, and they’ve always worked incredibly well, and she’s so good at it. You know, there’s like there was a formula. She’s great at it, it works. But every time a launch came around, it got harder and harder and harder. And she pushed through and pushed through and pushed through. And so she finally had to admit, like, wait, this is like not a line, you know?

Katy Ripp 00:08:03  And it makes money, right? Like it makes money, but it’s still not aligned.

Michelle Theriault 00:08:07  Yeah, yeah. So there’s been these like little hints of that we’ve really had to talk about.

Michelle Theriault 00:08:15  Leaning into trust is like, okay, if we’re going to trust that our alignment is the portal to our greatest success, even though it looks like these are pieces that we don’t know how to properly replace, we don’t know how to let go of them. Walking forward in trust, being living inside of the question what is the aligned way for us? What is the aligned way for us? And using our bodies and our emotions as some of the primary tools for that? Because I don’t know what else could be a, you know, a tool for that. But living in the question, what’s an alignment, what’s meant to grow, what’s meant to emerge? What is my heart want? And, you know, and just like praying for guidance, show us the vision where we get to have what we want without compromise. Show us the vision where we’re in true alignment and we’re not compromising. Show us the vision. We’re in true alignment. We get to rest the amount we want. Show us.

Michelle Theriault 00:09:08  And that’s been the path we’ve been walking. And there are some corners where we’ve already had little moments of, oh, here’s what we’ll do. And it’s brilliant. And no one’s doing this. And there are other corners where we’re still kind of like waiting and hoping and trusting, like what’s gonna emerge here for us. And it’s so brave, it’s so scary. And you have to.

Katy Ripp 00:09:30  Be sorry because, like, my mind goes to, these are really big things, right? Like, these are really big things you’re testing. This isn’t like, should we put a pumpkin scone on the menu?

Michelle Theriault 00:09:43  Yeah.

Katy Ripp 00:09:43  These are big shifts. Two things. One is when you feel like you’re so grateful for a job or you feel like, God, I feel like I’m right in my purpose. And I feel like this is amazing. And I feel all the energy and all the things you said about, like I have an abundance of everything I want, yet there’s still something there. That’s something there will come out like.

Katy Ripp 00:10:08  You will find a way to wiggle out and show her face and say good problems need solutions to like that’s a good problem to have, but good. It’s still a problem. It still needs a solution. The other thing that I love so much and like gives me goosebumps just listening to you talk about it and and it’s very hard for people to wrap their head around is you don’t have to do things you don’t like to do, even if it feels sort of good. Like even if it feels like, oh, I should be doing this. I’m a business owner, so I have to be doing it. I’m an employee, so this is just part of my job that she’s paying me for whatever it is, or things at home like, you don’t have to do them. Do they need to get done? Maybe. Or maybe they don’t like maybe you don’t have to do it anymore. Maybe you just give yourself permission to do it your way. I do think that comes with its fair amount of coaching.

Katy Ripp 00:11:21  I have been coached and I had never been coached before. I went through the MRI. We got a lot of coaching through the MRA, but then I have been coached weekly since then and I don’t know if I would be in a place where I am right now, which is if I don’t like it, I don’t really want to do it, and then I just don’t do it. Versus you guys are that much further down the line where you’re like, oh, this just kind of feels icky. And I’m definitely not doing that anymore. Like, you know, it’s not glaring. It’s let’s refine find this into such a beautiful thing that it’s our life’s work and we don’t have to do anything we don’t want to do. Yeah, I mean, it’s sad. I think in the society we live in, it sounds kind of bratty or very entitled, like, well, it must be nice to be able to do whatever the fuck you want to do all the time. Sure it does. And it is very nice.

Katy Ripp 00:12:20  Yeah. All you have to do is trust yourself and give yourself permission. I understand that that is much harder than it sounds, or I’m making it sound much easier than it actually is. But to me, that’s what coaching does, is if you allow yourself to space to find these things within yourself, that’s where all this magic is, where you’re like, I don’t really care what you think. How many women do you know out there that would be like if you gave me one superpower, it would be not to care what other people think anymore. I mean, to me, that’s what coaching does like. Yeah. No no no. We’re just gonna like let’s find what’s down there. Let’s like, figure out what’s in there and what you can give yourself permission for. Yeah. You know, we’re sort of looking to be saved all the time. Let’s save ourselves.

Michelle Theriault 00:13:11  How about. Yeah. You know, I used to care a lot what people thought of me. I really don’t think I do care anymore.

Michelle Theriault 00:13:20  But it’s for me, it’s. There’s a part of me that just judges myself. Still, that’s the part of me that I wrestle with is my own judgment, because I really don’t think I care what anyone else thinks. I really think that’s true. But my own judgment. It’s amazing how strong my own judgment of myself is, and I’ve read my life vision out loud many times to many people inside of the MRI. But if I read my life vision out loud to someone you know who didn’t have the context or you know the familiarity, they might hear my vision and the list of things they might say about it, like bratty, entitled, maybe even just like delusional. You know, like.

Katy Ripp 00:14:06  Okay.

Michelle Theriault 00:14:07  Just out of touch with reality. Maybe it sounds so high in the clouds.

Katy Ripp 00:14:13  Maybe until you do it and then everybody’s going to be like, oh, can you tell me how to do that?

Michelle Theriault 00:14:19  Yeah. And I think that it was really scary to let myself want like that, to let myself desire, you know, that.

Katy Ripp 00:14:29  Little bit louder for the people in the back.

Michelle Theriault 00:14:32  Yeah. That was one of the hardest things. I’ll never forget the first time I read my vision statement out loud and let another person’s ears hear it, like, actually own. This is my desire, and I’ve started to get used to that. Now. I’ve like I said, I’ve read it out loud. I have desires and all sorts of areas of my life that I like to, you know, I’ve I let myself own. But that might even be the hardest part for me is the gap from denying a desire for myself to admitting it to myself. And then look, once I say it out loud, I’ve come the hardest leg of the journey. Just admitting you.

Katy Ripp 00:15:16  Ask. Like especially women, like, what do you want? And they’re like, I don’t know.

Michelle Theriault 00:15:20  Yeah. Or it’s like subdued, I.

Katy Ripp 00:15:23  Want a nap. I want a weekend at a hotel. I want to, you know, like weekend free of my kids or or so many of those things.

Katy Ripp 00:15:30  We’re not actually even saying out loud. Right. Like, for fear of, you know, ridicule or stoning.

Michelle Theriault 00:15:39  Yeah. I want to tell you something about a moment I had with Taryn because it’s just coming to mind. And it’s it’s the first time I ever really experienced this in a conscious way, where before I entered the mirror, in one of these moments I described earlier where I was just having a conversation with her, and I didn’t know she was using her coaching skills on me, but she was. It was when I was still in a very unhappy marriage and, you know, just trying to get through life. And I was sitting with her on her daughter’s bed and she was asking me questions, and she said, she said something along the lines of, if you were to imagine, because we were talking about relationship and that kind of thing, and said, if you were to imagine you were free of this relationship, what do you feel in your body? And I’ll never forget this.

Michelle Theriault 00:16:34  I felt this like expansive feeling of like, oh, and instantly, instantly my brain went too good to be true. Oh, put it down. Can’t have it. And I said to her, I it feels too good to even think about because I know it’s not possible, so I don’t even want to imagine it. And she didn’t push. She didn’t say a thing. She honored it. She let it go and she didn’t mention it again. She let me take my time but she always remembered it. Yeah. And I remembered it well.

Katy Ripp 00:17:18  Right. Because you have a feeling now connect to it. Yeah.

Michelle Theriault 00:17:21  Yeah. And a couple of years later I went back to her and I said, do you remember that moment? And she goes, of course I do. And I’ve just been waiting to see. I just been waiting for you to like, honor that desire that was so clear. She’s like, I knew in every fiber of my being. That was a true desire. I knew in every fiber of my being.

Michelle Theriault 00:17:40  Sooner or later you’re going to need to honor it. And I’m so glad that you are. And it’s incredible that it was so true, so pure, so strong. She could see it, and it was too much goodness to believe I could ever have. I could ever feel that good or free. And I shoved it down. And I did that with so many things. And I think so many people do that with so many things. And so even just finding a way to, like, break through the gate of this is what I desire or this is what I value, this is what’s aligned for me. This is what resonates for me. This is what’s true. This is what, you know, all those things. Those are all the things to me that bring actual life to my life, or bring the joy or bring the success on my terms and on the way that I want it. It’s the answer to, you know, the Mary Oliver quote. Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? I think about that all the time, and I think this is the stuff.

Michelle Theriault 00:18:41  This is the stuff you need to hold space for and uncover and feel and see.

Katy Ripp 00:18:46  And the things you can let go of that you think, right, like like a marriage or a. For me it was alcohol, like I never imagined, but that was like the catalyst for everything. And it wasn’t hanging on to something. It was letting go of something that did not serve me anymore. And I had to get real fucking honest about that with myself. But just like you had a sort of clean slate, that’s really what cleaned the slate for me. And I think that there is something to be said about recognizing those pretty dramatic times could be dramatic, and it could not be. It could be something that you’re holding on to and you just actually, like, set a boundary or let something go on your own doesn’t have to be really public, but just voicing it like, just if you could just tell somebody that you really want this now without the how I don’t like nobody cares about the how.

Katy Ripp 00:19:42  We shouldn’t be able to care about the how. It’s the what. Like what do you want? And also is that true? Like do you actually want that? I get that all the time. Well, I want to make $100,000. Why? Give me a good reason. I don’t care what your reason is, but why? What’s $100,000 anymore? Right. Like, I’m not trying to say like, $100,000 isn’t a lot of money, but it’s sort of a random number. I mean, it’s an even number, but like, what does it give us? So really sort of drilling down into what. Yeah. Instead of how. Because somebody or something else will find the way for you. But we have to at least be able to tell ourselves something.

Michelle Theriault 00:20:26  Yeah. You know what? One of my favorite things about you is Katy.

Katy Ripp 00:20:29  Oh, well, yes. Tell me.

Michelle Theriault 00:20:32  I love. And I think you’ve always done this. I think this is like a piece of you that I saw very early on in the mirror.

Michelle Theriault 00:20:39  So, like, coaching can’t take credit for this piece, but maybe it’s just expanded it. This part of you that’s so willing to challenge paradigms, like when I hear you say, but is that really true? Like, you know, is it really true? I’ve heard you say that so many times in so many contexts, and I love that so much, because I think you’re so right that like, yes, it’s great to know what you want, but to let go of the things that you think you need to hold on to because you think they’re true or you think you need to do them, or you think you should, or you just the things that bind you, being able to free yourself of those things through examining a paradigm and releasing anything that holds you back, whether it’s a person, a thing, a belief. It feels so good. And I just love your inclination to challenge all of those things.

Katy Ripp 00:21:33  I had to do that with myself first. I had to really get down.

Katy Ripp 00:21:38  And I mean, it’s how we got alpacas and I know you love my alpacas. It’s how we got them, right? Like I was like, why can’t I have these? Like, I just wanted them. And of course, like for years, everything we’ve ever done in our lives, my husband and I, we’ve turned into a job, right? Like we can’t have anything unless it’s making money. And so, of course, like when we started telling people we were getting the alpacas, it was like, well, we were going to sell the wool, right? We were going to shear them and we were going to sell the wool. And or Madeline was going to use it for a four inch project and blah, blah, blah. We got them for her, all these things. Well, in the end, what really happened is we just fucking got them for me. And I had to be really honest with myself that, like, I was so scared that people were going to be like, why? Why do you have them? It’s such like a random animal to have.

Katy Ripp 00:22:26  And I was like, I’m not lying anymore. I just have them for pure joy. That’s it. That’s the only reason we have them. We have garbage bags of wool sitting around that have never been sold, and I just love them. That’s it. And one day I was sitting out there and one of my like wants in life is freedom. Like financial freedom, freedom from other people’s schedules, freedom. And it’s always been sort of this like, it feels always very unattainable. And then I was sitting down there one day and they were, you know, eating out of my hand or whatever, and I was like, oh my God, I have it like I have it. That’s the other thing is we don’t necessarily recognize that the things that we want, we already have, like, if you are trying to be healthy, aren’t you like, are you healthy? Are you already healthy? Like, have you measured it? I had a conversation with somebody very recently this challenging her paradigm.

Katy Ripp 00:23:23  She said, well, I don’t know if I have enough for retirement. And I was like, well, how much do you need? She was like, well, I don’t, I don’t really know. I was like, well, find out what are your bills? And then I said, well, what do you want in retirement? And she said, well, I would like to have a horse farm in Mexico. I said, well, how much do those cost? Because it doesn’t seem like it would be that much. And she was like, well, I have no idea. I was like, well, look on Zillow. Like, how do you even know? Basically, you’re just like setting yourself up for failure here. And that came from asking myself those questions like I’ve always wanted to build a dream home. Well, how much is it going to cost me? I don’t even know. It was just like, what’s my dream home? And I had all these things, but I didn’t have a plan.

Katy Ripp 00:24:04  I didn’t know if it was going to be $4 million or $400,000. Like, how much do I have to save to do that? Well, and I can get kind of bitchy about it too, like mine. But that kind of questioning for me has opened up so many doors because that’s how I talk to myself. It’s like, why do I want this? Okay, well, that’s totally fine. But like, then why and then why and then why and usually get down to people just want peace. Like that’s really just what people want in the end is like free from worry, free from anxiety, free from judgment. Freedom. So thank you for saying that though because.

Michelle Theriault 00:24:47  Yeah, I do.

Katy Ripp 00:24:47  Tend to get fairly wrapped up in those questions.

Michelle Theriault 00:24:50  I think that like, that’s a way that I want to remember to live my life. I think the more I do that, the better my life gets when I’m going through my life and I say, oh, I can’t because of this.

Michelle Theriault 00:25:03  And then if my next question is, is that really true? Like, really, you know, I think it’s such a powerful way to move through your life. And it’s almost like the desires almost grows once you start questioning some little things and you realize, wait, that wasn’t true. Oh, what.

Katy Ripp 00:25:20  Else? What else isn’t true?

Michelle Theriault 00:25:21  What else isn’t true? What else is holding me? That doesn’t need to be. I think it’s such a powerful way to move through life, and that’s my intention. I have multiple intentions, but I like that. I think it’s powerful. I don’t want someone else to write the rules for me. I want to write my rules. I think adopting that philosophy that you have is really powerful. And I think, you know, Mel Robbins has that let them theory. I think this is honestly on par just as powerful. I think we need to get your. But is that actually true? You know, about like going through I think that is on par with that as like a, a go to thing, you know, to help you navigate your life with everything deserves that question.

Michelle Theriault 00:26:05  Yeah.

Katy Ripp 00:26:05  Well, I just really true. Well thank you. I just put this out on Instagram about laundry. Right. Like I have somebody do my laundry. And of course, people have opinions about that. And you can go ahead and have whatever opinion. I always have clean laundry. But like the first thing people say, well, I can’t have somebody to do my laundry. I can’t afford it. Do you even know how much it cost? I didn’t know how much it costs. It was a hell of a lot cheaper than I thought it was going to be, I’ll tell you that. And so. Well, I can’t do that. I can do it myself. Well, just because you can do it yourself, should you like. We don’t have to do things we don’t like to do. That is something we were told. I mean, I’m going to be 47 years old. Most of the lessons that I learned were 40 plus years ago.

Katy Ripp 00:26:53  Yeah.

Katy Ripp 00:26:54  They’re old. Yeah.

Katy Ripp 00:26:56  I don’t need them. They’re old. I like they’re they’re long gone. Plus. But somebody’s doing my laundry. Hurts nobody.

Katy Ripp 00:27:04  Yeah.

Katy Ripp 00:27:05  But like it’s fine. I mean, that’s kind of a weird example, but there’s. But then like, what else? Like, if you can get somebody to do your laundry, what else can they do? Like, if you want a garden, can you get somebody to weed it. The answer is yes. And so I mean that’s the sort of who not help. But there’s so much behind that. And I, I love to ask people those questions. Not everybody loves to be asked those questions. I will tell you that. Oh, Michelle, I could talk to you all day. Oh, thank you for hanging out with me for so long. Tell me where the mirror is at right now. Right. Like, are we starting cohorts?

Michelle Theriault 00:27:45  You know how I am with timing. But one thing I do know that is for sure true is that we have opened up our Emory community, and we’re so excited.

Michelle Theriault 00:27:56  And in order to come into our community, if you haven’t already done one of our programs, so all of you and all of our alumni can come right in. For everyone else, you experience the first couple of modules and get a taste of the mind rumble method. And you get to have, you know, the language and the base level information. You get to experience it and then come into our community and experience the mind reveal method that’s on us. There’s no cost. Come and experience the community, and I think that’s where we’re going to be doing a lot of our serving to the outside world, other than inside of our programs. That’s where we’re going to be directing this energy and these questions and these conversations and these little mini inquiries. That’s where we’re going to be playing. And living is inside the community.

Katy Ripp 00:28:45  And the community is the app. Right. Like it’s part of the app?

Michelle Theriault 00:28:48  Yeah. But not the one that you are that apps getting phased out. But there will be a new app.

Michelle Theriault 00:28:54  Yeah. Okay, so.

Katy Ripp 00:28:55  This is an app. It’s not social media.

Michelle Theriault 00:28:57  It’s not social media.

Katy Ripp 00:28:58  Not a Facebook group. It’s not a slack channel. Anything. It is your own MRA community, which is fabulous. Yes, because it’s filled with alumni, lots of coaches, which I’m guessing will happily give advice or write like start conversations or journal prompts. Just like there’s so much that can go on in a community like that. So if you are heart lead, soul driven, there’s probably a whole lot of magic that’s going to go on in that community. I can’t wait.

Michelle Theriault 00:29:32  Yeah. You know, we’ve heard time and time and time again, cohorts who are about to graduate say we don’t want to leave, we want to stay connected. And it took us a really long time. But this is the answer to that that nudge and that yearning that all of the students have felt. And also we’ve felt honestly like you and you know all of the other alumni, I genuinely love you.

Michelle Theriault 00:29:55  The connections that we all make in their their lifetime soul connections. Even if you know, people travel and we never see them again. And so to get to have that space and also invite others into that energy to be in the conversation, going through the programs is obviously they’re obviously so rich. But I think that, you know, ultimately, I would love to see all of this trickle out into the world. And I know you feel the same way, like, let this all trickle out into the world. And so letting other people into those conversations and dipping their toes into the energy of what it’s like to hold others whole, capable of creative, resourceful, hold space without judgment. There will be spaces in this community where there’s absolutely no advice there, like sacred circles. There are the other places they’ll be Q and A’s and book clubs and.

Katy Ripp 00:30:48  Oh, I love it.

Michelle Theriault 00:30:49  So many.

Katy Ripp 00:30:50  Amazing.

Michelle Theriault 00:30:51  Yeah.

Katy Ripp 00:30:51  How about podcast? You know.

Michelle Theriault 00:30:53  One thing. Here’s one thing we decided we’re going to do our own way for podcast.

Michelle Theriault 00:30:57  Yeah, because we thought, what’s our perfect cadence? And then we decided we’re not picking a cadence. We’re going to come and have our conversations, you know, as they arise.

Katy Ripp 00:31:08  I love it.

Michelle Theriault 00:31:09  Which feels so good. And I’m so excited that our podcast is back in the swing of things. I can’t call it like a season or anything anymore because we’ve released all the constraints and titles. But yeah, Bull Dreams, held loosely, is back reinvigorated. Don’t know how often the episodes are coming out. They’ll come out when we’re inspired, but gosh, I love that podcast just the way I love talking to you here.

Michelle Theriault 00:31:33  It’s so great. I love these.

Michelle Theriault 00:31:34  Conversations.

Katy Ripp 00:31:35  Me too. There was one episode, I don’t know if it was maybe your first or second episode, but it was. The timing was so divine because it was a episode about Hawaii and Karen going to Hawaii with her family and the place that they went, the restaurant. I can’t remember what it was, but it’s a super famous place.

Katy Ripp 00:31:52  And I went to Hawaii the next week and, like, brought Terran with me because I was like, oh my God, that’s a restaurant she was talking about. It was fascinating. So that was fun.

Michelle Theriault 00:32:02  I love that. Tell me about.

Katy Ripp 00:32:03  Some of the other programs Mara has, because it’s not just coach training.

Michelle Theriault 00:32:07  No. Well, I hope I’m not jumping the gun. Here’s one big change that I don’t know who knows about this yet, but we love our programs. You know, our mind Rumble method and Coach pathway, the mind Rebel method, which we used to call practitioner. But it’s having a new name, Mind Rebel method. It’s really geared towards that, like turning inward inner work. And then, you know, in Coach Pathway, we actually might even be breaking it into a couple different coach pathways. But then that’s yeah. So there’s lots of new stuff coming. But that’s about, you know, doing that, helping others do the internal work. And you know, one of the strengths of these programs is the like high touch intimacy, beautiful connections inside of them.

Michelle Theriault 00:32:55  However, we are expanding an entirely new direction for those where that just isn’t accessible. You know, like whether it’s the price point or the scheduling, whatever. We are opening up the Mind Ripple method and vocation incubator as totally asynchronous courses, and there will be those offerings as well.

Michelle Theriault 00:33:14  Just.

Michelle Theriault 00:33:15  Because everyone needs different things and some people need easy access, flexible options. And so those are available coming soon as well.

Katy Ripp 00:33:26  It just opens it up to so many more people. Right. And that’s the point is let’s get this in the hands of the people that really need it. So yeah. Michelle, thank you so much for joining me. I’m going.

Michelle Theriault 00:33:36  To thank you.

Katy Ripp 00:33:37  Again soon.

Katy Ripp 00:33:40  And that’s a wrap on today’s episode. I hope you enjoyed diving deep into the world of living authentically with me. Before you go, don’t forget to connect with me on Instagram. Shoot me a message at Katy Ripp. I’d love to hear your thoughts on today’s episode and connect with you further. And remember, if you want more details on today’s episode, or just want to explore more about designing your life unapologetically, head on over to my website at Katy Ripp dot com.

Katy Ripp 00:34:05  There you’ll find all the juicy details and resources you need to keep the inspiration flowing. Lastly, if you’d like to join me on the show, whether it’s to tell about your experience of designing your own life, to share your expertise, or if you’d like to participate in lifestyle coaching live on air, don’t hesitate to reach out. Your story could inspire countless others on their own path to living authentically. Thanks for tuning in. Until next time, keep living boldly designing your life. And remember #ActuallyICan.

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