
This podcast is your guide to challenging expectations and embracing authenticity. Through candid conversations, humor, and deep exploration, you’ll leave each episode feeling empowered to prioritize your wellbeing and design your life creatively.





the latest:

Ever since I could make money, I spent beyond my means. I’ve always worked really hard so I could never really understand why I was constantly behind on bills; I should have been rolling in it. And over the years I have made sure that was the perception, within reason of course. I’m nothing if not Midwest Nice and would never want anyone to feel ‘less than’ around me.


Self-Care + Wellbeing

Master the Art of Saying No

For three full days I struggled with listening to and caring for myself versus disappointing someone else. I’ll be honest here, and this is embarrassing, I thought of many lies I could have told her that would have ‘forgiven’ me; illness that would have let me off the hook. But what kind of self-care coach would I be if I did that?


woman working

Self-Care + Wellbeing

The Best 5 Investments in Yourself

In a world where external investments often take precedence, it’s easy to forget the most crucial investment of all: yourself. While traditional financial investments are undoubtedly important, dedicating time, energy, and resources to your personal growth can yield invaluable returns. In this blog post, we’ll explore the five key areas where investing in yourself can make a significant difference: Personal Growth, Knowledge, Health, Skill Mastery, and Creating Opportunities.


Business + Entrepreneurship

First Circle, Second Circle.

Dive into the fascinating world of social circles in entrepreneurship, witnessing how people shift from skeptics to supporters as businesses flourish, blurring the lines between friends, customers, and cheerleaders.


Club Soda + Lime

Less Grind. More Shine.

Invite more ease and flow into your life while still pursuing your dreams with passion and dedication


Self-Care + Wellbeing

Boosting Productivity: Setting Boundaries for Success

My top 5 secrets to getting shit done as an entrepreneur.


Self-Care + Wellbeing

Get Your S.H.I.T. Together

How many times have you said this to yourself? Well, you’re in good company. I am in my mid-forties and there are days where I just cannot seem to adult. Where I feel like EVERYONE else has their shit together.


Self-Care + Wellbeing

Is It a Crisis or Just Midlife?

As we navigate through the various stages of life, we often encounter moments of introspection and self-reflection. One common phenomenon that we experience is often referred to as a “midlife crisis.” This is not uncommon after the death of someone as close as a parent but there are many other situations that have us questioning our purpose here; empty nests, career and work changes, relationship shifts, infidelity, traumatic accidents or revelations, etc. But it also doesn’t have to be anything dramatic. Age can simply be the reason we start questioning our existence. It’s essential to delve deeper into this concept to understand whether it’s genuinely a crisis or simply a natural part of the human journey.


Self-Care + Wellbeing

A Woman’s Guide through the Six Stages of Midlife Discovery

Life is a tapestry woven with various chapters, and the midlife crisis is a significant one that many women in their forties encounter. Often misconstrued and surrounded by stereotypes, (please don’t cut bangs right now) this period is not just about making impulsive decisions; it’s a profound and transformative journey marked by six distinct stages, offering opportunities for self-reflection and growth.


Self-Care + Wellbeing

Should I invest in a business coach?

One of the key advantages of having a business coach is the tailored guidance we offer. Unlike generic advice found online or in self-help books, a business coach provides personalized insights that directly address your business’s specific needs and challenges. This personalized approach can be invaluable, offering strategies and recommendations that resonate directly with your unique situation.


Hosted by lifestyle coach, business mentor, and serial entrepreneur Katy Ripp, this podcast is your guide to challenging expectations and embracing authenticity. Through candid conversations, humor, and deep exploration, Katy empowers listeners to prioritize their wellbeing and design their lives creatively. 

She's not scared of asking tough questions, getting to the bottom of issues and loves to tell it like it is.  

Learn more


Anxiety. Burnout. Unproductivity. Sleeplessness. Overwhelm.  I'm certain that every entrepreneur and business owner has undoubtedly encountered these emotions while managing their business ventures. I can definitely admit I did. Consequently, as a seasoned entrepreneur, one of the most valuable lessons I've learned is the significance of establishing boundaries to shield myself from these emotions and to savor both my personal and professional life.


How many times have you said this to yourself? Well, you’re in good company. I am in my mid-forties and there are days where I just cannot seem to adult. Where I feel like EVERYONE else has their shit together.

This happens less now that I’m not hungover everyday, but they still rear their ugly heads now and then. When it happens I try to think of this acronym. It helps…sometimes. Sometimes I just go back to bed.

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