Days 31 to 60

Day 31: Greens with Every Meal.


I went to bed fine and woke up with a whopper of a cold. So annoying. I have been feeling so good it’s hard to accept there’s nothing I can do about this.

So, to be honest, I just don’t have much today. I spent most of the day in bed, working and resting (not in that particular order).

My mother-in-law did save the day by taking the kids and my nieces on a Grandma day. She’s the best.

So, this is all I got today.

However, you know what tomorrow is right? The 1st of the month and you know how I love me some new beginnings!

So, here’s my challenge for February. For the 28 days of February, I am going to have greens with every major meal. Think greens under eggs, side salads and every other creative greens Pinterest can think of. If you have favorite recipes, post them in the comments below.

I’ll post how creative I get on social with #greenseggsandham. Post yours too!

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