It’s hard not to get swallowed up in it all. Really hard. But as I sit here, on National Dog Day no less, staring out my window at three very content, happy (all be it very hot) Australian shepherds, I’m trying to take a lesson from them. They’re just happy waiting for one of us to acknowledge them, pet them and play with them.

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Hey Friend!

love, katy

I’m so glad you’re here! This is your space to explore, learn, and grow as you align your life and business with your deepest values and aspirations. Whether you're an entrepreneur, a professional seeking personal growth, or someone looking to live more authentically, you’ll find valuable insights, practical tips, and inspiring stories tailored just for you.

Each post is designed to support you on your journey—whether that’s mastering your mindset, setting healthy boundaries, or scaling your business. My goal is to provide you with the tools, strategies, and inspiration you need to thrive in every area of your life.

Take your time exploring the blog, and don’t hesitate to join the conversation by leaving your thoughts and comments. I’m excited to walk this path with you and help you create the life and business you’ve always envisioned.

Just an

No competition.  No jealousy.
No backhanded- compliments.

and there is no one else on earth like you

"I love you. I support you.

kind of energy."

 their lives to think they're a 


Women need other women in

big deal

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How cutting up a credit card started the path to paying off debt. I said goodbye to a few old frenemies today. My Target RedCard, Southwest Visa and American Express credit cards. We have a lot of credit card debt accounts but these three all had a special place in my wallet, which is why […]


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Money is weird. It doesn’t seem like it should be. At its simplest form, money is a tool of exchange used to facilitate transactions. It represents value and allows us to trade goods and services without the need for direct bartering.

dirty laundry


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Ever since I could make money, I spent beyond my means. I’ve always worked really hard so I could never really understand why I was constantly behind on bills; I should have been rolling in it. And over the years I have made sure that was the perception, within reason of course. I’m nothing if not Midwest Nice and would never want anyone to feel ‘less than’ around me.


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One of the key advantages of having a business coach is the tailored guidance we offer. Unlike generic advice found online or in self-help books, a business coach provides personalized insights that directly address your business’s specific needs and challenges. This personalized approach can be invaluable, offering strategies and recommendations that resonate directly with your unique situation.


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There more we understand the similarities and differences of these professions, the more likely we can make sure you end up working with the right practitioner for your situation. The post is dedicated to untangling the intricacies of each, so that we can ensure you’re getting the best care.


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In this episode, I sit down with Nina Caviggiola, a nurse-turned-social media influencer and host of the Mama Knows Podcast. From fleeing Bosnia as a refugee to becoming a successful content creator, Nina’s story is a testament to resilience, self-belief, and the courage to follow your gut—even when it feels impossible.


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In this episode I chat with Chanlie Leavitt about her bold decision to leave teaching. We dive into the burnout so many teachers are facing, the emotional weight of toxic work environments, and why finding the courage to walk away can be the key to reclaiming your life.

left teaching, teaching job, education system, faith transition, Mormon Church, post-pandemic challenges, mass exodus of teachers, personal growth, career opportunities, alternative career paths, podcasting, burnout, toxic work environments, financial opportunities, golden handcuffs, emotional toll of teaching, Title I school, classroom challenges, work-life balance, online business, freelancing, mental health, financial success, client attraction, podcast monetization, sponsorships, podcast production, podcast launch, professional support, content creation, living authentically, aligning values, career fulfillment, societal pressure, teacher burnout, financial empowerment, community support, paradigm podcasting, diverse perspectives, personal stories, inspiration, professional growth, intentional living, self-discovery


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For three full days I struggled with listening to and caring for myself versus disappointing someone else. I’ll be honest here, and this is embarrassing, I thought of many lies I could have told her that would have ‘forgiven’ me; illness that would have let me off the hook. But what kind of self-care coach would I be if I did that?


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In a world where external investments often take precedence, it’s easy to forget the most crucial investment of all: yourself. While traditional financial investments are undoubtedly important, dedicating time, energy, and resources to your personal growth can yield invaluable returns. In this blog post, we’ll explore the five key areas where investing in yourself can make a significant difference: Personal Growth, Knowledge, Health, Skill Mastery, and Creating Opportunities.

woman working


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Dive into the fascinating world of social circles in entrepreneurship, witnessing how people shift from skeptics to supporters as businesses flourish, blurring the lines between friends, customers, and cheerleaders.


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How many times have you said this to yourself? Well, you’re in good company. I am in my mid-forties and there are days where I just cannot seem to adult. Where I feel like EVERYONE else has their shit together.


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As we navigate through the various stages of life, we often encounter moments of introspection and self-reflection. One common phenomenon that we experience is often referred to as a “midlife crisis.” This is not uncommon after the death of someone as close as a parent but there are many other situations that have us questioning our purpose here; empty nests, career and work changes, relationship shifts, infidelity, traumatic accidents or revelations, etc. But it also doesn’t have to be anything dramatic. Age can simply be the reason we start questioning our existence. It’s essential to delve deeper into this concept to understand whether it’s genuinely a crisis or simply a natural part of the human journey.


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Invite more ease and flow into your life while still pursuing your dreams with passion and dedication

sober living

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Remember that the key is to set realistic goals and incorporate activities that bring you joy and fulfillment; why else are we here? January is a great time to establish positive habits that can set the tone for the rest of the year.

sober living

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Ever since I could make money, I spent beyond my means. I’ve always worked really hard so I could never really understand why I was constantly behind on bills; I should have been rolling in it. And over the years I have made sure that was the perception, within reason of course. I’m nothing if not Midwest Nice and would never want anyone to feel ‘less than’ around me.


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For three full days I struggled with listening to and caring for myself versus disappointing someone else. I’ll be honest here, and this is embarrassing, I thought of many lies I could have told her that would have ‘forgiven’ me; illness that would have let me off the hook. But what kind of self-care coach would I be if I did that?


It’s hard not to get swallowed up in it all. Really hard. But as I sit here, on National Dog Day no less, staring out my window at three very content, happy (all be it very hot) Australian shepherds, I’m trying to take a lesson from them. They’re just happy waiting for one of us to acknowledge them, pet them and play with them.

Picture it: I’ve walked in to a party, or a bar, or a friend’s house, or by myself in my own kitchen; location really doesn’t matter. A drink “appears” in front of me; likely a large glass of white wine, but could be a beer or cocktail.

How can I unpack these feelings of rejection and call them what they really are?  No more than old, ugly fears tempting me to return to a life of lack and fear and hangovers. 

In my early twenties, I ‘tried’ a yoga class. Mainly because I wanted that lean yoga bod. I wasn’t yet ailing from achy bones and joints and a hangover was pretty much non-existent so an early Saturday morning class was no biggie.

But, I didn’t like it. I always left there feeling quesy and with a dull headache (it couldn’t possibly have been from the 8 beers I had 7 hours before). So I ditched it.

He talks about doing something you don’t absolutely love for a living and masking it as practicality.

This is a foreign concept to me now, but I’ve certainly been here. I’ve worked lots of jobs; banking, bartending, customer service, soldier.

A few years ago, my very talented husband finally gave in to my whining and built out our attic into a seed starting space. I start around 10K seeds every year for our cut flower farm and since I’m too lazy to trudge down to the shed, the space off of our master bathroom above our garage became my little seed sanctuary.

My experience with a yoga class starts days before I even go. I start thinking about a Monday morning class on Saturday. I find reasons not to go; I’m too fat, too out of shape, too tired, too busy, too whatever.

For as long as I can remember every New Year’s resolution I have made begins with much hope, merriment and bravado. I LOVE New Year’s Day, so much so that I usually don’t go out on New Year’s Eve because I hate feeling like shit the next day. Which, given my love of a good party, it’s beyond ironic.

Today I spent it cleaning up my planner; filling in the important dates I have this month, this week and tomorrow, writing down my goals and then breaking them down in to bite-sized bits, writing out my monthly budget and playing in the freshly fallen snow with the dogs, cats and kiddos (< this is very unlike me).

I decided today that I am going to break these posts down in to categories since, otherwise, I’ll be all over the place with my thoughts. I suppose some days will have blank categories and other will be filled to the brim, but you get the idea.

You’ll find me to be a vibrant and unapologetic woman who wholeheartedly embraces the Law of Attraction, isn’t afraid to drop the f-bomb when needed, and loves with everything I’ve got. I’m all about proving that the impossible is possible, especially when others say it can’t be done. My passion is empowering women in midlife to live authentically, boldly, and without apology. If you’re ready to break free from societal expectations and pursue your ambitions with confidence, you’re in the right place.

more about me
