
This podcast is your guide to challenging expectations and embracing authenticity. Through candid conversations, humor, and deep exploration, you’ll leave each episode feeling empowered to prioritize your wellbeing and design your life creatively.





the latest:

202.8 I went to bed fine and woke up with a whopper of a cold. So annoying. I have been feeling so good it’s hard to accept there’s nothing I can do about this. So, to be honest, I just don’t have much today. I spent most of the day in bed, working and resting […]


Club Soda + Lime

Day 32: A Bad Day Only Lasts 24 Hours

Well, this morning didn’t start off on a great foot. Just one of those days I guess. Body + Mind 202.8 Being woken up at 4:30am to a husband thinking it’s Tuesday and an annoying sinus headache was the not the highlight of my week. I haven’t been sick in months and I considered calling […]


Club Soda + Lime

Day 33: I Promised I’d Be Honest

203.5 Want to know what I did today? Nothing. And I don’t feel good about it. When I was a kid, if you laid on the couch for more than a hot minute you were lazy. Every minute of the day you needed to be “doing” something productive. Taking a day to lay around and […]


Club Soda + Lime

Day 34: Resurrected

Phew. I didn’t think I was going to make it out of yesterday’s funk, but I’m happy to report I am much better today. Body + Soul  203.5 Talk about self-care Sunday. I slept like a super champ last night and until 7 this morning. Very unlike me. My nose finally cleared up and thank […]


Club Soda + Lime

Day 35: I fell off the wagon.

It was the coffee wagon, but still. Well, sort of. I had a decaf latte at my local coffee shop. I haven’t stepped foot in the place since January 1st and I felt it was my civic duty. Yes, I totally could have had tea, but damn that latte tasted good. Failure? Maybe. Body + […]


Club Soda + Lime

Day 36: More honesty.

203.5 For the past week or so, I have been sort of melancholy. I am not sure if the novelty has worn off of this thing or it’s just my mind, body and soul adjusting to new habits. I’m guessing it’s a little bit of both. I’ve had to deal with some old familiar feelings […]


Club Soda + Lime

Day 37: I’m not apologizing.

Body + Soul  203.5 It’s hard to explain how your body feels to someone else. Even to myself. I know things are changing, but even I can’t explain it. Today, for the first time ever, I was able to grab my feet for bow pose during my yoga practice. Last week I couldn’t. I couldn’t […]


Club Soda + Lime

Day 38: Date Night

202.2 Another eventful morning by way of no school. This time for ice. Ugh. Spring can’t come soon enough. To be honest, I didn’t get much done today other than a puzzle, which started with both kids helping and ended with me sticking it out solo until it was finished, baking cookies (if we have […]


Club Soda + Lime

Day 39: I can see clearly now.

It was freezing again today. Like take your breath away walking across the parking lot cold. So cold in fact that I went to two hot yoga classes just to warm up. Sometimes I sit down to write these posts thinking I have nothing interesting to write about. And then other times I can’t wait […]


Club Soda + Lime

Day 40: Your gut knows.

Body + Soul  202.2 I forced myself to rest today. I am notorious for going balls to the wall and then totally burning out. Even though this is the longest I have stuck to any routine, I can feel myself getting dependent on it. And, although yoga is probably the safest, most healthy addiction I […]


Hosted by lifestyle coach, business mentor, and serial entrepreneur Katy Ripp, this podcast is your guide to challenging expectations and embracing authenticity. Through candid conversations, humor, and deep exploration, Katy empowers listeners to prioritize their wellbeing and design their lives creatively. 

She's not scared of asking tough questions, getting to the bottom of issues and loves to tell it like it is.  

Learn more


Anxiety. Burnout. Unproductivity. Sleeplessness. Overwhelm.  I'm certain that every entrepreneur and business owner has undoubtedly encountered these emotions while managing their business ventures. I can definitely admit I did. Consequently, as a seasoned entrepreneur, one of the most valuable lessons I've learned is the significance of establishing boundaries to shield myself from these emotions and to savor both my personal and professional life.


How many times have you said this to yourself? Well, you’re in good company. I am in my mid-forties and there are days where I just cannot seem to adult. Where I feel like EVERYONE else has their shit together.

This happens less now that I’m not hungover everyday, but they still rear their ugly heads now and then. When it happens I try to think of this acronym. It helps…sometimes. Sometimes I just go back to bed.

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