Alcohol-Free Living
The 90 Day Journey That Started It All.
I finally decided to ditch the shame and tell my story. The only lesson I needed to learn is that the obstacle IS the way.
In January, 2019, I started my alcohol-free journey with 90 days of abstinence from alcohol. I journaled [almost] every day about my ups and downs. It was enlightening and refreshing and a time in my life that when I did drink again, I always missed. Since that ninety days, I tried two more times before trying to moderate again. “Slippery slope” is an understatement. Then I got it.
It’s taken me YEARS to get here…years and lots of lessons. I thought I had this thing licked; I didn’t. I thought I could moderate. I didn’t want to. I thought the failures made me weak. They don’t.
What makes us weak is not realizing we are human. We can start over on a Monday, in the middle of the month or after we think it’s too late. We can make mistakes, learn and try again. And again and again and again. We can rock the boat, buck traditions, change the rules.
Today I spent it cleaning up my planner; filling in the important dates I have this month, this week and tomorrow, writing down my goals and then breaking them down in to bite-sized bits, writing out my monthly budget and playing in the freshly fallen snow with the dogs, cats and kiddos (< this is very unlike me).
I decided today that I am going to break these posts down in to categories since, otherwise, I’ll be all over the place with my thoughts. I suppose some days will have blank categories and other will be filled to the brim, but you get the idea.
The day started out like all the others this week; five minutes of guided meditation with my feet up the wall (on my handsome new DIY headboard by my husband), making my bed, spending five minutes with my planner, brushing my teeth and weighing myself.
One of my best friends is a farmer’s wife. Her farmer husband gets together with other farmer husbands to do God knows what on the first Friday of every month. We used to drink on these nights and chuckle about how adorable it is.
The First 30 Days
A summary of my first month sober.
Sixty days sober.
What I learned at two months.
90 Days Complete
The synopsis.
90 Days, The First 30 Days
90 Days, The First 30 Days
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90 Days, The First 30 Days